Anglicans and Moses: the law from another time but for all time

Anglicans and Moses: the law from another time but for all time

Perhaps it is time for Christians to admit that the Law of Moses is an embarrassing irrelevance, and stop reading it altogether in church. That’s what some popular preachers are saying – echoing no doubt the unspoken position of many around the world (many congregations would baulk at the thought of a sermon series on Numbers). Thankfully, this is an error which our Anglican heritage provides a bulwark against.

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Why we keep disagreeing on the Bible
Eternity, Hermeneutics Andy Judd Eternity, Hermeneutics Andy Judd

Why we keep disagreeing on the Bible

“So you are the little woman who wrote the book that started this great war.” This is what Abraham Lincoln reportedly said on meeting Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Published in 1852, Stowe’s novel might not be solely responsible for the American Civil War, but it certainly roused many Christians in the north to the intolerable suffering of slaves in the south.

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