Modern Genre Theory Launched!

It has been an absolute delight to celebrate the launch of Modern Genre Theory with friends and colleagues in Sydney, Melbourne and San Diego.

I was honoured to have Peter Jensen, former Principal of Moore College and Archbishop of Sydney, launch my book at Moore College in Sydney in the Donald Robinson Library. My supervisor Liam Semler also said some very kind words. The night was hosted by my wonderful friend Tim Escott. Journalist John Sandeman did a write up of the event and Peter’s remarks here.

A few days later Ridley College’s trusty principal, Brian Rosner, hosted a mega-launch of books by fellow Ridley faculty Andrew Malone, Mike Bird and Scott Harrower.

Four books by four Ridley faculty members launched in 2024

Finally, it was an absolute delight to attend a small reception for friends hosted by the wonderful people at Zondervan Academic as part of the 2024 SBL meeting in San Diego. I am so grateful to everyone who made this book possible – especially my wise and encouraging editor, Katya Covrett, as well as marketing guru Kent Hendricks and copyediting maestro Dirk Buursma. Truly an honour to work with you all!


What Die Hard Can Teach Us About Modern Genre Theory


We must pray the Lord raises up a new generation of Anglican leaders (TMA)